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Konec The Vampire Diaries
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Fotografie hlavních postav
Charlie Bewley
25.1.1981 | 25.1.2025 -
Mia Kirshner
25.1.1975 | 25.1.2025 -
Michael Trevino
26.1.1985 | 26.1.2025 -
Dawn Olivieri
8.2.1981 | 8.2.2025 -
Kelly Hu
13.2.1968 | 13.2.2025
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A hned ze začátku – údajný název první epizody třetí série ponese název Bloody. Co to asi vypovídá?
V zatím neznámých vedlejších rolích se objeví Jason Mac, April Billingsley a Diany Rodriguez.
Ausiello: Buffy přemožitelka upíru zavítá do města!! No, OK, ne úplně Buffy, ale přemožitel upírů rozhodně. Nová příchozí postava se bude jmenovat Eric, je ve středním věku, opět rozhodně sexy, a prý je něco jako Indiana Jones s kolíkem místo biče. Možná to souvisí s informací, kterou prozradila Julie Plec na Comic-Con, o tom, jestli existují plány na uvedení větší padoucha než byl doposud Klaus. „Rozhodně bych řekla, že Klaus není nejhorší zlosyn, kterého jsme doposud viděli. Bude to legrace sledovat jak bude třetí série postupovat, kdo se nakonec ujme žezla.“
Ve třetí epizodě se objeví čarodějka Gloria, která se zná se Stefanem a Klaus od ní chce s něčím pomoct. Více v Přehled všech spoilerů pro 3. sérii.
Damon dá Eleně k narozeninám něco pro ni důležitého, významného a od Damona by jste to nečekali, ale prý jde o věc důvěry. Tak nějaké nápady co by to mohlo být?
První ukázka ze 3.série..Damon nahá a Elena ho „přistihne“ !…-elena-video
CharmedkaPavla: Tohle video hledám už od comic conu!!!:) Poněkud lepší kvalita:
fotky ze zákulisí:…skan_595.jpg
Úžasný! New fotky z natáčení!…nataceni-0-4…nataceni-0-5
První foto Davida Gallaghera…1600/400.jpg
Nějaká představa, zda se znovu objeví Katherine ve Vampire Diaries? —Kris Ausiello: Otázka není zda se Elenina dvojnice objeví, ale KDY. „Hned tak Katherine neuvidíme,“ prozradila Julie Plec. „Ale až se objeví, nevrátí se s prázdnýma rukama. Objeví se s dost cennými informacemi.“
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Inside TV
The Vampire Diaries absolutely rocked my world last night! PLEASE, I need some Stefan/Elena scoop. That phone call! How much longer are they going to be apart?! First, do NOT get me started on that phone call. Absolutely devastating. Now, for the possibly upsetting news, it sounds like they might be apart for a while. Paul Wesley opened up about it all at the CW premiere party this weekend, saying “I hate to be cheesy, but on a symbolic level, he’s really apart from everybody. He’s physically apart for a while, in a different location, but he’s in a completely different space,” he says. “He and Elena were just not what they were. It could go on indefinitely, man, for sure.” But will there come a point where he forgets about Elena? “I think at a certain point, he thinks he has. Whether or not he truly has is left to be seen to me. I think he thinks he has to because he forces himself to [forget her], and circumstances force it, too. Genuinely, they force him to.”
Anything on Vampire Diaries would make my morning!! PLEASE! Paul Wesley can’t wait for you to see an upcoming episode that “shows a side of Stefan that we haven’t seen before.” “I think it was probably the most fun I had shooting Vampire Diaries period, in any episode,” he said. “It’s a scene where I’m basically saying goodbye to my old self.”
TV Line
Looks like Jeremy Gilbert isn’t the only one seeing ghosts this season. Matt Donovan, aka the perpetual outsider, will be brought into the mix via “a new friendship” with Elena’s little bro. “Through that relationship, he starts to find a passageway to reconnect with his dead sister, Vicki,” Zach Roerig tells us. “Jeremy and Matt are actually the only people in Mystic Falls who can see the dead.” Roerig adds that he and Kayla Ewell “have worked together again,” so watch for some emotional reunion scenes, while Nina Dobrev says that Elena will eventually find out about the hauntings, though not through Jeremy: “The way she finds out and the way it unfolds is very cool.”
TV Guide
Vampire Diaries Damon and Elena: After Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elenas big fight in the season premiere, youd think a romance would be out of the question. Au contraire, says Nina Dobrev! „Elena is really angry with Damon right now, but he wont allow her to be angry with him for very long. He will make sure to get in her good graces.“
Watch with Kristin
Im like a vampire without blood when Im not getting any Katherine Pierce scoop from TVD. Can you help me, please? Kevin Williamson tells us, „Katherine (Nina Dobrev) doesnt pop up right away. She hauled ass.“ However, Katherine wont stay gone for long. „Katherine is too delicious to go too long without seeing.“ So what can we expect from our resident evil vampy vampire who only loves herself? Lets just say that when one of the brothers is away, Katherine will play. We know, can we vague that up for ya? But youll take what we give you and youll like it! (Or just send us angry tweets. Whichever you prefer.)
Any good Stefan/Elena info at all? Or should we just prepare to cry ourselves to sleep the whole season? Apologies to your tear ducts, but like we said last week Stefan (Paul Wesley) is gone for the first half or so of the season, so we dont think that bodes well for The Vampire Diaries longstanding couple. As for the shows not-really-a-couple-but-basically-a-couple, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena, Im hearing hes going to be giving her the Big U soon. The Big U being an ultimatum, obviously.
Vampire Diaries scoop please! Will ghost Vickie & ghost Anna be affecting Jeremy & Bonnies relationship? I hope not. Good question. In fact, we asked the same thing when we ran into Kat Graham at the CW party. And by „ran into,“ we mean she was on the carpet and we had a camera and, well, you know how interviews go. Anyway, she told us that Bonnie will be both helping Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) with his little issue and struggling with it. „Theyre definitely trying to explore all sides of it: her being a compassionate person that the character is. And then the explorations of just natural female jealousy,“ Graham says. „Like, Why are you talking to your ex? Theyre not even his ex-girlfriends! They died—even worse!“ Bumpy road ahead for those two, eh?
TV Guide
How will Jeremy deal with this whole seeing-dead-girlfriends thing on The Vampire Diaries? NATALIE: Jeremys newfound skill may actually offer him some hope. „Hes lost everyone hes loved and its been a great weight on his shoulder, so possibly having some connection with the dead lifts a weight off his shoulder and adds more of a level of curiosity rather than fear,“ Steven R. McQueen tells us. But how will Bonnie react to this spectral infidelity? „At the end of the day, they really care about each other,“ he says. Meanwhile, Jeremy will form a stronger bond with Matt, who also starts seeing dead people!
Id like to share the news that the casting of the Original Mom begins. The casting sides for the character were published on Showfax:
Shell appear inepisode #308 for the first time. Heres the description of the character:
Esther, early to mid 40s, The MOTHER of the Original Family, as seen in flashbacks set over a thousand years ago. Beautiful, strong, fierce. Old world. A lioness protecting her cubs. Guest star, strong recurring role. English or Australian accent preferred.
Inside TV
Sandra, you enjoy well-dressed men as much as I do. What did you think of the pictures of Stefan dressed in ’20s gear? Wowza!! What can you tell me about the ep? According to Nina Dobrev, next week’s flashback-heavy Vampire Diaries episode is “almost like a movie” and sure to top the fans’ favorite episodes. “We’re introduced to a couple of new characters and there are huge surprises and a cliffhanger of sorts,” she says. “You learn a lot of information and is very visually stimulating. I think people are going to go crazy for this one.”