Registrace: 2.2.2008 0:00
Sledováno: 2 dny 13 hodin 56 minut (80 epizod, 8 seriálů)
|Seriály v Bedně
Once Upon a Time - S01E08: Desperate Souls
Epizoda: 30.1.2012: 80% -
Once Upon a Time - S01E06: The Shepherd
Epizoda: 30.1.2012: 80% -
Once Upon a Time - S01E04: The Price of Gold
Epizoda: 30.1.2012: 60% -
Once Upon a Time - S01E05: That Still Small Voice
Epizoda: 30.1.2012: 60% -
Once Upon a Time - S01E02: The Thing You Love the Most
Epizoda: 30.1.2012: 60% -
Glee - S03E10: Yes/No
Epizoda: 18.1.2012: 40% -
Doctor Who - S06E12: Closing Time
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 60% -
Doctor Who - S06E11: The God Complex
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 80% -
Doctor Who - S06E10: The Girl Who Waited
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 80% -
Doctor Who - S06E08: Let´s Kill Hitler
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S06E07: A Good Man Goes to War
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S06E02: Day of the Moon
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S06E01: The Impossible Astronaut
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S05E13: The Big Bang
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S05E12: The Pandorica Opens
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S05E11: The Lodger
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 60% -
Doctor Who - S05E10: Vincent and the Doctor
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S05E07: Amy's Choice
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S05E05: Flesh and Stone
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100% -
Doctor Who - S05E04: The Time of Angels
Epizoda: 17.1.2012: 100%