Diskuze: Spoilery
Spoilery všeho druhu.
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Castleova Bibliografie
Deadly Heat (5)
Český název: Heatová v žáru smrti
Již pátá kniha ze série o newyorském detektivovy z vražd Nikki Heatové, které pomáhá úspěšný novinář Jameson Rook.
Nathan Fillion
27.3.1971 | 27.3.2025 -
Stana Katic
26.4.1978 | 26.4.2025 -
Seamus Dever
27.6.1976 | 27.6.2025 -
Molly Quinn
8.10.1993 | 8.10.2025 -
Jon Huertas
23.10.1976 | 23.10.2025
Vítejte na novém fóru, kde můžete rozebírat spoilery všeho druhu aneb kde se co šustne:)
První fotky z natáčení čtvrté série <img src=„http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/images/cache/castle/Season%204/Set%20Photos/22nd%20July%202011/tumblr_los0fjsa9z1qgiosbo2_500_100_cw85_ch85_thumb.jpg“><img src=„http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/images/cache/castle/Season%204/Set%20Photos/22nd%20July%202011/tumblr_los0pjnkpu1qgiosbo2_500_100_cw85_ch85_thumb.jpg“><img src=„http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/images/cache/castle/Season%204/Set%20Photos/22nd%20July%202011/tumblr_los04vIwYT1qgiosbo1_500_100_cw85_ch85_thumb.jpg“><img src=„http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/images/cache/castle/Season%204/Set%20Photos/22nd%20July%202011/Untitled-1_100_cw85_ch85_thumb.png“>
Můžeme se těšit na Ryana a Esposita, kteří konečně v nadcházející sérii dostanou více prostoru. Jon Huertas potvrdil, že se chystá epizoda zaměřená na Ryana/Esposita – lépe řečeno „dvojité rande Ryana/Jenny a Esposita/Lanie, a věci nepůjdou dvakrát dobře.“
Jak to bude s Beckettovou?? Přežije to nebo ne??
na 100% ANO, opravdu o tom nemám pochyby. viz fotky z prvního dílu 4. série níže:) Jinak také víme, že Kate je převezena do Joshovi (jejího momentálního přítele) nemocnice, a poněvadž je kardiochirurg a kulka byla blízko srdce dejte si jedna a jedna dohromady:)
Já jen že jsem viděl ten rozhovor s Nathem a on tam říkal že je mrtvá :-)
Řekla bych, že to nebral vážně:)
Nathanovi nesmíš všechno věřit, on si většinu času dělá legraci. :-)
Dočkáme se epizod s tématikou superhrdinů a Halloweenu, ale plány jsou i na další epizodu v LA. Celý tým by se měl dostavit na premiéru filmu Nikki Heat. (Zda se znovu objeví Laura Prepon záleží jak bude mít čas vzhledem ke natáčení svého nového seriálu Are You There Vodka? It´s Me Chelsea)
první fotka nového kapitána http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/…-castle1.jpg
Podle TVLine Kristin Lehman (The Killing) byla obsazena jako potenciální Castleův (Nathan Fillion) milostný objev.
Question: Haven’t really heard much about Beckett’s boyfriend Josh (Victor Webster) on Castle. I know he’s in the premiere but other than that, nada. What’s going on there? —Ivy Ausiello: I think you just answered your own question.
Že by byl Josh po 4×01 mimo obraz?
TV Guide Mega Buzz
Why will Castle and Beckett be apart at the beginning of this seasons Castle? ADAM: I hear the decision to pull back from the relationship is Becketts — and she may even lie to keep Castle at a distance. But Stana Katic believes Becketts actions are carefully calculated. „Shes making an adult decision not to dive into something because she doesnt want to screw it up,“ Katic says. „Shes in love with him. Shes dated other guys, but hes the only guy shes been in love with.“
Jo takže ona je do něj zamilovaná a proto si ho chce držet dál od těla…? Jak dlouho na ni asi tak bude čekat.
Inside TV
Will the premiere show significant movement forward in the Castle/Beckett front in it’s usual Castle kind of way? In short, will fans be satisfied or frustrated? Both. But that’s what’s so great about how they’ve structured the season premiere. The last two minutes of the season premiere will definitely give you an idea of how this season is going to proceed with these two crazy kids. I’m legally obligated under the threat of beheading to stop talking now. Also, if you’re not following me on Twitter, I suggest you do so before the premiere. You won’t be sorry!
Pro neangličtináře ve zkratce to nejdůležitější: Bude premiérový díl pro Castle/Beckett fanoušky uspokojivý nebo frustrující? Obojí. Poslední dvě minuty vám rozhodně prozradí, jak se bude série mezi nimi dále vyvíjet.
TV Line
Dipping into the reader mailbag, Lynne asks: “What will Martha be up to in Season 4? Will her acting school open?” Your answer, from show boss Andrew W. Marlowe himself: “We have a fun episode where Martha and Castle end up on the wrong side of a bank robbery while she’s trying to get a new loan for her school.” (P.S. In a fun wink-win kto TV fans, the robbers nickname themselves Dr. Quinn, Dr. Huxtable, Dr. Howser and Trapper John, TVLine has learned.) Meanwhile, who’s working hard on the outside to hopefully save the day? Why, Beckett of course.
Co čeká na Marthu a její školu herectví? V jedné epizodě se Martha a Castle ocitají na špatné straně bankovní loupeže, když se Martha snaží získat půjčku a do případu se samozřejmě zapojuje Beckettová.
Inside TV
Anything on Castle!? Particularly, can you guarantee me we’re done with that Josh business? We’re done. Like, done, done. Um, for now, says EP Andrew Marlowe. “Nobody is ever gone for good, but I have no immediate plans to bring him back into the storytelling. If I ever have the appetite, rest assured I’m going to do it in a surprising way — not in an annoying way.”
Question: I am still dying after watching the season premiere of Castle. Please give us some spoilers on upcoming episodes! Ausiello: As if his issues with Beckett weren’t enough to keep him up at night, Castle is going to have his hands full with another woman in his life this season: daughter Alexis. “She’s testing the limits — and where we take her in the next couple of episodes allows her to push the limits even more,” previews series creator Andrew W. Marlowe. “It was always my intent to have Alexis be a good girl and not do anything crazy — we don’t expect her to become a drug addict — but we do get to see that [father/daughter friction] and other issues that she’s wrestling with. She’s at an age where girls struggle with their identity and with relationships, so we have all of that material to play with.”
Question: Any Castle scoop? As much as I love Beckett and Castle, I’d love some news on anything relating to Ryan and Esposito. Ausiello: “This season there is going to be a ‘boys night’ episode, either [Episode] 7 or 8,” reveals Jon Huertas (aka Esposito). “Castle and Esposito probably want to show Ryan a good time before he gets ‘locked up’ [in marriage]!” So, where might the guys go for their manly merriment? “Atlantic City isn’t that far from New York,” Huertas ventures, “so I imagine we’d try to go there and see how dirty we can get.”
Question: From the Castle promo pics that were released last week, we see that Beckett isn’t exactly happy about guest star Kristin Lehman’s character hanging around with Castle next week. Tell us, exactly how jealous will Beckett be? Ausiello: So jealous that she ends up alluding to it during her therapy session. While we’re on the subject of next Monday’s episode, here’s a little casting tidbit: 24‘s David Hunt (a.k.a. Patricia Heaton’s hubby) guest stars in the episode as a major player in the art world.
With all this talk of a Castle wedding for Ryan, when are we going to see Esposito and Lanie get more serious? ADAM: Maybe never. „Esposito and Lanies relationship is not going to be a smooth relationship,“ Jon Huertas says. „Esposito or Lanie might think that they want to [settle down], but the other one might not be ready to go there. Thats going to create a little bit of a storm in their relationship.“
Inside TV
How freaky was [the Halloween episode of Castle]? I’m hoping to get great comedic performances on this one… VERY freaky! In fact, as you reference in your tweet, I sort of creeped myself out by watching it late in the evening. That said, any minor creepy moments (yes, keep in mind I’m pretty easily spooked) are off-set by loads and loads of humor and some especially great Castle and Beckett banter as the two debate the existence of the paranormal. However, I warn you that not all the couples on this show will end the episode on great terms.
Are we going to see any more of Beckett’s PTSD this season? I feel like it’s just sort of been forgotten… Definitely not forgotten. C’mon, you know better than to think they’d do that! In fact, a set spy tells me an upcoming sniper case will find Beckett dealing with her PTSD in a big way. “It forces her to deal with her unresolved issues about her mother — and her own emotional choices,” says the source.
TV Guide
Got any good Castle spoilers? ADAM: Sounds like Beckett and Castle are going to have to tread lightly on an upcoming case. It concerns a politician who, despite being well-loved among his constituents, finds himself mixed up in a crime. Given what we know about Capt. Gates desire to move up the ranks, we bet shell be paying closer attention than ever to this case.
Watch with Kristin
Please give us some scoop on Castle. Thank you. Castle is looking to cast a DEA agent investigating drug trafficking, as well as a possibly harmful redneck family from Texas. Now that episode sounds like a party.